Did it ever come to your mind how to receive God’s blessings? How do you get His favor?
Today, I’ll share with you the 2 Best Ways To Get God’s Favor in your life!
1. Receive God’s Blessing Through Prayer
Prayer needs to be a top priority and a daily habit. In your prayers, besides going through your needs and wants, make sure to take time to thank Almighty God (Yahweh) in heaven for the many ways He has blessed you in your life. And take time to pray for others.
Our prayer always should include asking our eternal God to guard us and deliver us from worries, fears, and sins which so easily entangle us.
Prayer is powerful. And sincere prayer, when we get down on knees to our Creator, to our Creator, the Creator of all the universe, who loves us, who wants us to be part of His family. He’s going to answer if we align ourselves to Him.
Prayer is the most often mentioned activity in the Bible, including prayers of praise to God, prayers of confession of sin, prayers of consecration or dedication, and prayers of faith like an anointing.
Prayer must be part of our spiritual tools, food, and consciousness.
When we are in a tough spot, when we don’t know what to do next, the Bible tells us that we can pray and ask God for help. We can pray confidently. We have the right to come boldly before God in prayer to ask for forgiveness, advice, and support which is not available anywhere else.
There is no prayer our Creator is unable to hear; He is all-knowing and all-seeing. God also has all power over all things, so He is not limited in what He can do in response. Our actions and attitudes can influence God’s decision in granting our requests in prayer.
Furthermore, prayer is a tool to develop a healthy strong bond with God Almighty.
Prayer, earnest prayer, fervent prayer, energetic prayer, heartfelt prayer results in mighty miracles.
“The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much,” according to the Bible. (James 5:16). Prayer, direct, instantaneous contact with the Creator of the universe, is one of a Christian’s most important tools in his or her walk with God.
The Bible also includes examples of appropriate public prayer and group prayer, but the majority of our prayers should be private communication with God. “Jesus” (Yahshua) addressed the subject of prayer in what we often call the sermon on the Mount. He said, “And when you pray, you shall not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and the corners of the streets, that they may be seen by men. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward” (Matthew 6:5-6).
2. Get God’s Favor Through Meditation
Meditation described in the Bible can be a helpful tool in our spiritual overcoming and growth. It involves concentrating one’s thoughts on the Word of God (Psalms 119:99). A person might focus on a biblical principle or doctrine for the sake of seeking understanding. To overcome sinful behavior or weakness, we must meditate on pertinent biblical guidelines for help to draw upon God’s Spirit in us. Picturing oneself making the right choices and taking the proper actions is also reinforcing. Through this directed thinking, a Christian learns new information or renews his knowledge and focus on spiritual truths.
The apostle Paul gives additional advice about things to focus our minds on, encouraging us to meditate on things that are true, pure, and positive (Philippians 4:8).
However, we should not confuse the meditation spoken of in the Bible with so-called transcendental meditation (such as yoga). Yoga is a relaxation technique based on ancient customs of the Hindu religion and usually involves the chanting of a mantra. Because of that connection, I caution a Christian against engaging in it. Putting oneself into a trancelike state to achieve a goal or to overcome a problem is not the way the Bible reveals a Christian should approach these matters.
The way that God would have us overcome is by learning good judgment from His Word, making wise choices, and then consistently acting on those choices—not trying to overcome through the quasi-hypnosis achieved through chanting a mantra.
The Bible tells us, “Let us offer our bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what is good, pleasing, and perfect will of God” (Romans 12:1-2) How we use our minds is certainly important in learning God’s will and following it.
Yes, prayer and meditation as described in the Bible are the 2 Best Ways To Get God’s Favor in our life. I humbly and highly recommend that you do these things every day. It’s not that hard, and I can promise you that it’s going to be worth your time and effort. Try them today. You’ll be glad that you did. Please share this post with others. Take care, and may the Almighty bless us.
James 5:16 is one of my go to pillars to encourage my prayer life. Meditation is not something I do consistently but I do want to become more consistent.
This was a beautiful article – something I plan to share with my family as we go through our struggles with cancer. Thank you!
Great post! Yes, these are wonderful ways to connect with God every day. I also do a Bible study class with a friend on Saturday mornings. It is so important to read and learn God’s will and follow it! Thank you for sharing!
Prayer is so powerful in unlocking so many things in the spiritual realm. Just yesterday I fasted and prayed and I prayed on a lot of things that I have been neglecting for a while. I made sure to thank God for everything in my life and thank him for being a wonderful God through it all and then prayed for my family. It felt so relieving and necessary. Thank you for sharing this post!
It’s so true that our prayers grant by God depends on our own action. I don’t meditate or do yoga I wish to do it but when I tried before I can’t focused. For me, it’s amazing how I pray in my mind and God will answer it right away. Great post!