7 Quick and Effective Methods to Relax and Unwind

Seven Fast Fixes to Help You Unwind When Feeling Overwhelmed in Life

In this blog post, I’ll share 7 quick and effective methods to relax and unwind.

Sometimes it feels as though everything in the world is coming at you at once. Between work, relationships, kids, and a dozen other responsibilities, it’s no wonder it feels like there’s never time to unwind. The problem? If you never give yourself a break, you very quickly become overwhelmed.

  1. Ask a Question

When something new comes at you, the first question to ask yourself is a simple one: is this my problem? This might instead be an opportunity to set a boundary. You’ll find much of your tension unwinding every time you say ‘No.’

2. Bring Nature Indoors

Numerous studies have shown just a hint of fresh greenery or natural elements can create a calmer atmosphere. Try adding a plant, a collection of seashells, or a small Zen Garden or Buddha board to your space. Make a point of focusing on these elements when you’re feeling stressed to help you unwind.

3. Grab a Tune

Find a song on your playlist that always leaves you feeling calm and peaceful. Play it when you need a quick moment to unwind.

4. Try a Pleasing Scent

Aromatherapy has a lot of science behind it. Some smells are especially conducive toward easing anxiety. Just a sniff of bergamot, lavender, or frankincense will help you feel calmer almost immediately.

5. Step Outside

A short walk can build a lot of perspective and help you unwind even if you don’t go far. Make sure to take some deep breaths of fresh air while you’re out there.

6. Put on a Happy Face

When we smile, we change more than the shape of our faces. A smile quickly changes mood and even gives you a burst of endorphins in your brain, which are responsible for making us feel happy. The best part? A smile can help you unwind even if you’re not feeling it initially. This is because even fake smiles tend to become real ones very quickly.

7. Set an Alarm

Sometimes, we need a reminder to adopt a change of attitude to unwind. Try setting the alarm on your phone several specific times every day. When one of the alarms goes off, either take a ‘mindfulness moment’ for a quick meditation or take a moment to read an affirmation. If you’re strapped for time when the alarm goes off, use this moment to take a few deep breaths to give yourself a taste of unwinding before continuing with whatever you were doing.

While not every tip is going to work, be patient with yourself. Keep trying until you find the methods which give you the space to breathe. After all, unwinding is crucial to your mental health.

Thank you for reading my blog about the 7 quick and effective methods to relax and unwind. I hope this helps. Kindly share it with your family and friends who might benefit. Cheers y’all. 🙂

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3 Replies to “7 Quick and Effective Methods to Relax and Unwind”

  1. My FitBit reminds me at 10 minutes to the hour to get up and move if I have been sitting too long. Sometimes it is frustrating when I have all these ideas and pieces of ideas all balancing and floating in my mind and everything comes crashing down. Now using your suggestions I should put on a favourite tune and listen while I take a short walk outside in the rain or the 110 degree heat.

  2. Excellent tips, thank you for the reminder! Years ago I created my very own little “office zen garden.” I filled a rectangle glass container with fine sand, added shells and beach inspired props like an umbrella and deck chairs. I used miniature rakes and shovels to play while I was on the phone. Many times, people would visit my office for some downtime and sandbox relaxation.

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