5 Ways To Finding Your Spiritual Self

When you seek to find a life of completeness and harmony, you absolutely must address the spiritual aspect of your life. Thankfully it’s not hard to find.

Here are 5 Ways To Finding Your Spiritual Self.

  1. Pursue Passion. When you find something interesting to you like taking care of the elderly, helping the poor and the homeless, looking out for a widow, nourishing sick children, visiting an orphanage and someone in jail, or volunteering for a good cause, grab hold and see where these good deeds takes you. It is in a passion where you find purpose as you pursue what you feel you were truly born to do.
  2. Pay Attention To Coincidence. When you find a moment in your life where everything lines up and falls into place, embrace the experience. This is synchronicity, and from it, you gain an amazing feeling of affirmation. It’s moments like this where you find what you’re born to do.
  3. Look For Good Role Models. You are attracted to specific individuals for a reason. When you meet someone you wish to emulate, that you look up to, it’s because they’re speaking to something in your life you might need. Ask yourself what lessons you’re learning from this encounter and pursue the path that flows from the answer you’re given.
  4. Accept Road Blocks. Sometimes things crop up to stop you in your tracks. When there’s no real reason for why things aren’t working, maybe it’s a gentle nudge from something outside of yourself, letting you know it’s time to move in a different direction. It’s here where you need to learn to let go.
  5. Look For The Bigger Picture. When you step back and see how things are coming together in your life, it can seem a little daunting at first. Finding the reason for how things have unfolded can be a bit intimidating when you consider there are forces bigger than you who have arranged it in just such a way. Here’s where you need to be courageous as you follow the blueprint already laid out for you.

Without personal spirituality, you lose purpose, drive, and meaning in your life. You cannot become your best version of yourself, nor are you able to fully tap into your gifts without it. In the end, without the spiritual, you lose your desire to give back to the world, to make it a better place.

With so much at stake, is it any wonder that finding your spiritual path is so crucial in living a complete life?

This is an exciting journey. After all, it’s not every day you figure out who you were born to be. Remember, this is not an overnight process. Your spiritual path is a journey that will take a lifetime of learning. The rewards, though, are fantastic as you move forward on this new path.

Thank you for perusing this post on the 5 Ways To Finding Your Spiritual Self. If you like and enjoy reading this, please share it with others, so they too can find their spiritual side of things.

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13 Replies to “5 Ways To Finding Your Spiritual Self”

  1. All of your tips on self improvement resonated with me and will help as I move forward as an entrepreneur. I had forgotten some of these steps like identifying a mentor, and will put more effort into it now.

  2. I really love the part about accepting road blocks! So many times I feel like road blocks make us question if we are on the right path, but really, they are just part of the journey!

  3. Great post! Life is what we make of it, so it’s important that we have the right mentality, even towards the negative aspects.

  4. Great post! I so believe in finding our Spiritual Self. In the last 8 weeks I have really paid attention to synchronicity and what makes me happy, as a result I have started a new business and feel so “right with the world”.

  5. I love this so much! This list means so much to me because everything seems to be aligning in my life. Thank you for sharing!

  6. I believe so strongly that everyone ought to pursue their passion. So many of us fall into the trap of pursuing a corner office and a high-paying salary that we lose sight of our passion. For me, writing is my hobby and I am glad I have ventured into the blogging space. Thanks for sharing!

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