4 Roadblocks To Getting Creative

4 Roadblocks To Getting Creative is the title of this blog today. So without further ado, let me get straight into it.

You know the feeling. There’s a deadline looming, and your mind has gone completely blank. Nothing, nada. It’s like your brain has frozen. Luckily, the latest research shows us the most common roadblocks to creativity, and how to move past them and get on with the job.

  1. Fear of failure

Most people are afraid of failing because they see it as a one-way street to disaster, rejection, and a stain on their reputation forever. Perversely, fear of failure is the mirror image of perfectionism. The idea that nothing you can do will be good enough, and that this failure defines your identity.

Fear of failure means you’re less likely to take risks, and you put off even starting. And those are two things that can kill creativity stone dead. Redefine creativity as a series of experiments, with failure as a kind of course-correction and an inevitable part of the process.

2. There’s not enough time

The ticking clock is another creativity killer. If you’re like most people, your schedule is probably crammed, and you feel like you’ll never catch up. If your checklist just keeps growing, you won’t be able to relax in the creative process and let the ideas flow.

A surprising way to find more time is to quarantine some chill-out time in your diary. Priorities some downtime to listen to music, meditate, or just sit quietly. You’ll feel much less stressed and open to the creative flow.

3.  You’re still staring at the screen

Sitting at your desk, staring at the computer or the blank page, is not a good way to get creative. If you’ve been trying to write or problem-solve and it’s just not happening, the best thing you can do is go for a walk or make a coffee. Get out of the environment that’s keeping you stuck, get moving, and your mental gears can disengage and relax enough to be ready when inspiration strikes.

4. You’re feeling negative

Negative thinking can stop creativity in its track. If you’re sitting there frowning, and thinking you can’t do it, you’re guaranteeing that you won’t be able to do it.

Pessimism and negative self-talk set up a vicious cycle of gloom and low energy. Reject that self-defeating attitude and give yourself a pep talk. Reframe your task and just promise yourself into your head you’ll be creative, just to get the process started. Remember, your first try to be creative won’t be your best one, because that’s what the first try is for! You’ve done a good work before, you’ll do it again. Tell yourself that you’re ready to go and just get creative!

Thank you for reading the 4 roadblocks to getting creative. If you enjoyed this, please share it with others who might benefit from this pep talk regarding creativity. Until next time. Cheers!

7 Replies to “4 Roadblocks To Getting Creative”

  1. Yesss, these are all great points that stop creativity. Thinking negative is a huge one because negative thinking puts self-doubt into your abilities and your skillset. I also think that wanting everything to be controlled in a certain way also defeats the purpose of creativity. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Love this post and appreciate your views on these issues as I can definitely feel stuck at times. You can get into the same routine (a creative rut per say) and I love trying to keep myself on my toes changing things up a bit so that I do not get too comfy at any given time.

  3. This is a great reminder for those moments we procrastinate and talk ourselves out of doing something. I always recite that old saying from Earl Nightingale, “Don’t let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway.” You have great tips to remedy these common issues. I always make sure also to take a coffee break or two through a busy day!

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