If you want to make sales from the traffic you drive to your blog or website, you’re going to want to focus on blog post topics related to the product or the service that you sell.
Here are 10 Tips To Grow Your Blog Or Website Traffic
1. Identify What You’re Selling
If you want to make sales from the traffic you drive to your blog, you’re going to want to focus on blog post topics related to the product you sell.
Identify if you sell:
A physical product
A SaaS product
A digital course
A digital service
A local service
2. Identify Who You’re Selling To
There are going to be people who’re the perfect fit for what you sell. You need to know exactly who that person is and isn’t.
3. Identify Where Your Target Customers Hang Out
Knowing where your customers hang out will help you brainstorm blog post ideas related to pain points they’re struggling with right now.
Check your target customer on social media to find out:
What influencers they follow
What Facebook Groups they’re active in
What online communities they’re part of
What content they share
4. Brainstorm Blog Post Ideas
Do the following three things to come up with a list of blog post ideas:
- Set a timer for 10 minutes and brainstorm as many blog ideas as you can for the target customer you identified. If you’re struggling, aim to write down 10 ideas in 10 minutes.
- Put a seed keyword related to your product into Google and note down all the Google Autocomplete Predictions for every A-Z letter combination.
- Look at topics on social media (from influencers, inside FB groups, and in communities) that get the most engagement. Note any down that relate to your product.
5. Put All Your Blog Post Ideas Into One Master Spreadsheet
Copy and paste all your blog post ideas into one master spreadsheet. For every keyword add the search volume. This can be found using a tool like Keywords Everywhere or SEMrush.
Also add the number of search results. This can be found underneath the search bar at the top of Google search results pages, or inside a tool like SEMrush.
6. Add The Traffic Potential For Every Blog Post Topic
Next you’re going to find the top ranked URL for every topic in your spreadsheet:
Then you’re going to go to SEMRush > Organic Research and plug in the URL of the top ranked post to find the “traffic potential” for your topic.
Traffic potential is an estimate of the monthly traffic that blog post gets for all the keywords it ranks for on Google. It’s a way more accurate indicator of how much potential traffic you can get to your blog post versus search volume.
7. Prioritize Blog Post Ideas By “Traffic Score”
Traffic score is a metric I made up that is calculated by dividing the traffic potential for a topic by the number of search results for it on Google. I find it’s a great proxy for prioritizing topics you can write with low competition and high traffic potential.
8. Identify If There Is An Opportunity Gap
Just because a blog post topic has high traffic potential and low competition (i.e. a high traffic score), doesn’t necessarily mean you can easily win for it on Google.
To see if a post is worth my time writing, I browse the first page of Google search results and look for four opportunity gaps:
Freshness Gap: How long ago other posts were published.
Quality Gap: How good other posts are written.
Authority Gap: How established other sites are.
Relevance Gap: How well the blog post meets the search intent of the user.
9. Add The Ranking Potential For Every Blog Post Topic
Now you’ve found the opportunity gaps, you can find the ranking potential of all your blog post topics.
This is a relative measure of how easy it will be to rank your blog post on Google.
You’re going to give every blog post one of three ranks:
10. Decide On Your Blog Publishing Schedule
Once you’ve got all your content in your calendar, you’ll want to:
Allocate who the writer will be.
Decide on the publish date.
Blogging is not a volume game.
Remember, you need to leave as much time for promotion of your content as you do for writing it. So take into account content promotion time in your schedule. And give yourself two weeks editing time between the first draft date and live date.
If you can’t get traffic to your content, all your research and writing time will be wasted because Google won’t get any data to determine if your blog post is worth ranking.
I hope these 10 tips to grow your blog or website traffic helps your site to rank high on Google.
Liked this ten tips you shared about getting blog post traffic.
Those are helpful tips! I never thought about looking into the traffic potential of a blog post idea. And one thing I need to change is not leaving myself enough time for promotion. Thanks!
Great tips! I especially like #4!
The tip about seeing what keywords come up with your topic is incredible! I had never thought of that before and now…I will! And I will tell you how it goes! Lots of value here, but this simple tip is one I know I will use on a regular basis! Thanks for the tip!